Prairie Collective

I have many favorite stores in San Francisco, but Prairie Collective is the place I want to hang around all day. Jill, Alethea, and Annabelle have put together a cozy space with all your favorite coveted items that make you smile. It is not a super glossy design store that makes you feel unworthy; it's the kind of store that feels like a favorite sweater. You can make messes in here (i.e. flower workshops) and touch everything.

Prairie Collective is looking for some part-time weekend help in the shop, which sounds like a dreamy way to spend a Saturday. Find out more details about applying here; they are hoping to set up interviews for later this week, so don't delay!

Normally job openings aren't something I would post here, but reading about this position made me remember all that I learned while working at Rare Device, another great San Francisco shop. Way back in the day, when design blogs were still a new thing and craft fairs were just getting started, I randomly answered a job posting for a shopgirl. I was about to launch Miss Natalie, my first line, and wanted to learn about the business side and gain exposure to how a retail store worked. Rena and Lisa taught me so much, introducing me to the wonderful SF design scene and offering invaluable feedback on my own work. They became friends and mentors that I still turn to today. You never know who could change your life, and these ladies certainly did.


Girls Guild


Introducing Feliz